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About MAI | Mission Arthritis India
Phone: +919405868875
City: Pune, Maharashtra, India.

What will be the activities of MAI?

  • to prepare a list of patients suffering from arthritis
  • to provide a library of information regarding arthritis
  • to hold community based meetings & camps for early recognition of arthritis
  • to provide guidance to patients suffering fro arthritis
  • to assist and focus the attention of concerned agencies in prevention and rehabilitation of arthritis related disabilities
  • to ensure media attention on the various medical and social problems of patients of arthritis
  • to promote community driven research in the cause and treatment of arthritis
  • to scientifically explore possibility of cementing together the various systems of medicine present in India so as to provide better care for the arthritis patients
  • to work in close liaison with the 'Bone and Joint Decade (2000 - 2010) - India : National Action Network' which is supported by World Health Organization (WHO)


Is MAI connected to any other organization?

NO! MAI is not connected to any commercial, pharmaceutical or medical organization. However it supports the Bone and Joint Decade (BJD) 2000 - 2010. BJD has been launched all over the World under the auspices of WHO to overcome the problems related to various rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. The government of India has given recognition & official support to BJD and a National Action Networking Committee has been formed for India. MAI is the founding support member of BJD India.

Is MAI registered?

Yes! MAI is registered as charitable community and research society. It will seek recognition and support from the Government of India.

Is MAI a Government Organization?

No! It is a self-supporting organization.

How will MAI obtain funds?

Voluntary donations and a nominal membership fee will support the organization. Institutions, organizations and individuals inclined towards the goals and mission of MAI will be encouraged to sponsor its activities. The executive and the principal administrative staff have volunteered their services free of cost.

Can anyone become a member of MAI?

Yes! Anyone with an interest in the subject of arthritis and rheumatism can become a member. However the focus is primarily on patients suffering from arthritis.

How does MAI function?

MAI has an executive committee comprising of patients, doctors and professionals specialised in the field of arthritis
Though founded in Pune, MAI will soon have representatives and experts in various parts of India overlooking its activities. MAI will also make special efforts to reach out its services to patients in rural and backward/under-developed areas of the country. In the near future, MAI will set up a website and a network linked on the Internet.

What are the benefits of becoming a member of MAI?

MAI will provide the following services :

  • Establish a networking between patients and experts in the subject
  • Provide appropriate information to your queries regarding Arthritis and Rheumatism
  • Publish Health Education Literature
  • Publish recent and update information in the form of Newsletters
  • A website for instant access to all information regarding the association and its activities
  • Hold free therapy advice and guidance camps
  • Try and provide special benefits to patients from low socio-economic status


How do I become a member?

By paying a nominal membership fee of Rs 200/year or Rs 500 for 3 years.

You can download the application form here

and send it by post to the address "Center for Rheumatic Diseases, 11, Hermes Elegance, 1988, Convent Street, Camp, Pune, MH, India - 411001."