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A Successful Hip Replacement | MAI Publications | Mission Arthritis India
Phone: +919405868875
City: Pune, Maharashtra, India.


In March 2020 at the age of 38 I was diagnosed having OSTEOPOROSIS, a very very painful disease. Suddenly I had a severe pain in my right leg, especially hip. It was very difficult to move in the house also. I tried to contact my doctor but there was no response since the lockdown had started. I was having painkiller tables twice in a day and pulled on for two months. In June first week I managed to see the doctor. He said this seems something else, better get X-ray. After seeing the X-ray it was confirmed that I have OSTEOPOROSIS. After my delivery I had to take high dose of steroids and that is the reason forth is very painful Osteoporosis. The condition was bad and doctor told me to do "HIP REPLACEMENT". That time Covid 19 was in full force and it was not safe to undergo the surgery. We decided to wait for 6 months and doctor gave me Osteophos 75 mg once in a week and some exercise. He also told me to use walker at home also. I was supposed to walk minimum and not to stand up for a long time. I took the medicine and did exercise regularly but did not feel any relief. In December my pain was unbearable so I went to see doctor. I told him, "doctor I have twin babies of five years and I have to look after them and run the horse. I am not getting any help due to this pandemic. I want to be well as soon as possible. If operation is the only alternative let us do it immediately."

Doctor gave a note to the surgeon, and told me to see him. The very third day I got surgeon's appointment. After going through my reports it was confirmed that I have to undergo hip replacement surgery. Surgeon doctor told me very clearly that after surgery sitting down, sleeping on floor, folding legs and using Indian toilet will not be possible. I will have to do some tests and if they all are normal, my surgery will be done. After surgery, one day I will be in ICU, then four days in other room. My original hip joint will be replaced by a metal joint. The surgery will be robotic and hence minimum stitches and minimum bleeding will be there so no need to worry at all. I agreed everything and did all the tests. Everything was normal and on 8th January 202 1 my hip replacement was done successfully. I was in ICU for 24 hours, then shifted to the other room. Every day the doctor came twice for a round and physiotherapist also came twice. After going home the physiotherapist came and taught exercises for 1. 5 months. My physiotherapist was from HELY OS institute. I took all the medicines regularly and did exercise without fail. The result is very good. I could walk without walker after 1.5 months. After 2.5 months I am perfectly alright. I do not feel that there is a foreign part in my body. The pain is gone now, I am very happy.

During this crucial time my family and the doctors helped me very much. I am very very thankful to them.

Thank you!